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Reading is in progress.

I will always love you, Charlotte

Sixth Grave on the Edge - Darynda Jones

Gah! This book is so fucking good I played my guitar after I finished it, basked in great satisfaction. I will read book 7 straight away after the joy ceases.




From the moment I got to know Charlotte/Charley/Charles Davidson @ Dutch, she's been on my radar ever since and also her hot guy, Reyes. Her friend, Cookie. Another friend, Garrett. Angel too. Rocket. Okay, I just can't list out all her friends here. Too many.


As usual, where most of mysteries solved, there are some are yet. I bet this series won't be getting end soon because it's just the beginning. Yes, regardless it's a Book 6 now. If this series happened to be your next new series to be read, I suggest you should start from Book 1 because you're not, you're going to have a serious headache. One heck of confusion if I must say.


Well to compare this with previous', nothing's huge impact in it except for the one big surprise which thankfully I was prepared for. To those reviews, glad for the heads-up! If it weren't for the wicked sense of humor, I think I might not survive the subject matter overload in the book.


One of my favourite scenes in the book is that has got something to do with they made love under the rain, in public, and on the bonnet of a muscle car. Emmm that's pure fantasy HA!


I'd love to write down all of my thoughts but I'm lazy. However, this review though is exactly what I felt about Sixth Grave on the Edge.

Loved the spoilers

A Brief Guide to Stephen King - Paul Simpson

I tried once to read Stephen King's book The Shining and I couldn't finished it because I had a nightmare when I was about reaching the first exciting part. After I finished A Brief Guide to Stephen King (I loved spoilers!), I tried again and read Rage in The Bachman Books. Again, I stopped reading only this time it wasn't because of nightmare but the book had me confused and I found I dislike his writing style (for both of his books I read), it gives me headache. I probably miss something big in regards of Stephen King but oh wells, just not my luck I guess.


By the way, I don't mind reading gore -- the more blood and very descriptive gruesome scenes, the better. In fact, I love it. I just don't like ghosts or evil spirits in a book. I will sure get nightmare(s) for that alone and I don't want that.



Too angsty.

Becoming Calder - Mia Sheridan

There's only one part I loved in this book: The Prologue. The rest? They're a lost cause to me.

What's with my choice of books lately?

Alex - Sawyer Bennett

DNF @ 25% - Oct. 23, 2014. 


The chronicles of my thoughts in regard of this book:-

  • 1% - Present-tense narrative. Not liking it.
  • 11% - The hero reminds me of someone who I know personally. It sounds good so far and I hope it stays that until the end.
  • 16% - "Before making my descent, I pull out my phone and check in using Facebook." Why I feel this isn't right? Ohhh I know! I hate Facebook.
  • 25%"[...] I think it's the standard uniform for engineers or something, but he's just so...tidy and put together." The. Horror. Standard uniform for engineers, really? That's double standard! My husband's an engineer and you know what he said when I told him this? He snorted and scoffed. "Clearly the author doesn't know us engineers".

I don't think I can proceed anymore. I don't like the mindset. It's unnerving.

Not for me.

Delicate Ink  - Carrie Ann Ryan

DNF @ 23% -- Oct. 22, 2014


I liked tattoo guys - and girls too - and the hero is in late 30s, man in his prime. Bet he's hot. However, the book has too many characters and heavy subjects and it's kind of a lot to take in. There's a hint of BDSM too and admittedly, I kind of freaked out about it. I shouldn't pick it in the first place but hey, in my defense, I didn't know and I wasn't aware there's any up until I began my reading. I'm sorry that the book and probably the series itself wasn't for me. Read on your own peril.

Nothing much happened in the book

Hidden Away (KGI, #3) - Maya Banks

Long story short? I would rate this 4 stars but not many combat scenes (highly disappointed) and I decided to stay content with 3 stars then.


Nothing much happened in the book. It focused more on the romance between Garrett and Sarah. I didn't impress with how things turned up for Marcus Lattimer and Stanley Cross. In regards of Marcus, for someone who was deadly and lethal, he's easily killed. To add incredulity, by accident. Stanley Cross on the other hand, is dead too but with vague detail of how it was done. No satisfaction at all.


I was a bit wary to pick Hidden Away because Garrett has this too much love and care for his sisters-in-law, particularly for Rachel. Thank goodness the feeling was toned down in this book as his focus now has directed to Sarah. Nevertheless, I can't help but thinking that Rachel is definitely still marrying a wrong brother. Poor Ethan. I really hope for another book of Ethan and Rachel and give them true closure. Clearly there is something still haven't resolved between the couple. Sigh.


Anyway, despite of only little of suspense, I enjoyed the romance though. It was emotionally intense and I loved the heroine. She's innocent, resilient, and kind. More importantly, she didn't give me any headache. Also, I enjoyed seeing Garrett's going down, falling in love hard for Sarah.

I don’t care if you don’t have a penny to your name. I don’t care if you have a job. Those things will come. What I want is for you to be with me so we can work this out together. Together we can do anything. You don’t have to go through this alone. I’ll be with you every step of the way. That’s what love is about. - Garrett Kelly.

Can I have one of the Kelly brothers for myself? HA! I'm hoping for more actions in next books and less cheesy corny mushy love. That's the sole reason I landed with this series. I want a lot of kickassing in the midst of romance aka romantic suspense, alright. Read on your own peril.

The Recruit

The Recruit  - Monica McCarty Setting: Scotland, 1309-10

Most of time during reading I spent it feeling infuriated with the heroine, Lady Mary of Mar. I get it once upon a time she's suffered and traumatized a lot but then it doesn't mean she gets to easily make assumptions and quick to judge just because she wanted to protect her said fragile, vulnerable heart. Then, she had a nerve to put a blame on others when she's the first who started it and made it a big fuss. Besides, she has a little understanding on whatsoever, has little faith on person she claimed she cares, and thinks that world only revolves around her, that her life matters most and indirectly, she could say "Screw others."

I'm allergic to people like Lady Mary because no matter how fucked up, screwed up your life, you just don't have the privilege to treat people just like the way Lady Mary treated Kenneth. I know Kenneth wasn't a nice person at first. In fact, I hated him in previous book because he's such a jerk and hot-tempered but he's a different person now. He's changed. He's a nice person and he, too, is struggled controlling his temper. At least, there's progress. It may looks like a karma to have Lady Mary as his other half but TBH she just don't deserve him.

I thought Lady Helen in the previous book is the most annoying character in this series. Who knew it's Lady Mary's the top worst by far. I hope there's no more heroine like these two in the next book or I'll becoming wary to continue this series. Great warriors but sadly, their other halves are such prissy missy.

Anyway, the plot was rather boring. It focused more on romance between Kenneth and Lady Mary, which didn't impress me because I was quite pissed with the lady all time. The action scenes are amazing. Sadly, it occurred sometimes. To compare this book with the previous first two books, this one can't beat them because if recall, the books had a lot of combat scenes and I loved them. That was what I was expecting in this book after The Saint flunked. Unfortunately, The Recruit flunked too. I'm disappointed.

Read on your own peril.

Final verdict: 2.5 rounds-up to 3 stars

No Place to Run (KGI, #2)

No Place to Run (KGI, #2) - Maya Banks 4 stars

Did this book reach my expectation? Yes. It was a relief I enjoyed this book after the first book flunked I dnf it. This book gives me hope to give this series another chance and yes, I decided to continue it after all.

This book packed with action scenes that I loved. I hope there will be more in the series. The romance wasn't bad although I did skip a few steamy scenes, I just didn't bother and I rather read suspense part.

Bonus, the premise offered quiet good beginning that sucked me into the book completely. Although I admitted I was wary and started with the lowest expectation. The plot was amazing!

Loved the main characters especially heroine, she has a steel backbone, kick ass and courageous. Sam's just being awesome save the day, well partially. The Kellys are great, caring and loving.

Pet peeve: What's with Garrett and his over affection with his sisters-in-law? WAY DAMN CREEPY SOMETHING IS SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH HIM.

p/s Sorry for the upside down reviewing sequence I just type whatever's popped on my mind before it ceases away and risk I don't remember it.


Seven Nights in a Rogue's Bed (Sons of Sin, #1)

Seven Nights in a Rogue's Bed (Sons of Sin, #1) - Anna Campbell 2.5 rounds up to 3 stars

South Devon Coast, England, 1826.

I'm glad I managed to finish this book although I was tempted to dnf it. The story was in snail-paced I was becoming bored by 40-70% of read. I also skimmed some of the scenes, especially the steamy ones. Too much of it is a killjoy.

The main characters are infuriating especially the heroine. At one point she was vehemently didn't want the hero, hated him, feared him but suddenly, she turned upside down and proclaimed she cared, sorry, felt bad etc for him. That turning point was pretty quick, mind you. It was within 24 hours and I was like what the fish. Also, the angst and drama were exhausting to me.

It was insta-lust and then insta-love within a week. I was wondering, considering Jonas and Sidonie are both damaged in their lives and quiet distrustful towards each other and others as well, how they could easily fall hard in love with each other merely in a week? Lust, I can understand to happen in a week but love, it's impossible. Unless you're an idiot, hopelessly romantic and/or very trusting. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Actually, there's plenty stuffs in this book bewildered me and I'd love to mention them all here but I'm lazy to do so.

Regardless the aforementioned, I liked the way Jonas loved to pepper Sidonie with kisses. Sigh. I liked the second half of the book too as things turned out interesting then. I also liked every new or rare words I found plenty in the book because it gave knowledge and challenge so I didn't just planted my face in this book but also in a dictionary. I loved the writing style too and that sole reason give me hope to continue the series and will pick the next book soon.

Read on your own peril.

Backstage Pass

Backstage Pass - Olivia Cunning Read the preview and I'll skip.

The Saint: A Highland Guard Novel

The Saint: A Highland Guard Novel - Monica McCarty 2 stars

I could place this book with its DNF brethren but I changed my mind. So, I skimmed mostly.

Frankly, the premise is disappointing! I enjoyed previous books and I loved them I set high expectation on this book only to get cruelly squashed.

The romance's terrible at most. Although I felt bad and sad for Saint but his leading lady, Helen is utterly annoying made me thinking violence.

Also my heart is torn into pieces because the author killed a character that already I formed a fondness of I wanted to cry of frustration.

Why oh why this disaster happened? How should I continue as I started to regard the series with low expectation from now on? Sigh. Sorry this book wasn't for me. One of those days anyway.

Read on your own peril.

Never Seduce a Scot

Never Seduce a Scot  - Maya Banks Re-read: Aug 12-13, 2014. 5+ stars
I'm so loving this awesome masterpiece written by Maya Banks that I will re-read it over and over and over again and it'll never bore me. Of all Maya Banks', this book will always be in my heart and my soul, and will always be my favourite and forever.

I wonder when will Maya Banks to be back to write more medievals/historicals because I love them more than I love her contemporaries! TBH, I'm currently suffering from this series' withdrawal. The latest book in the series is to be released next year (2015) goodness help me it's driving me insane!!!

Ms. Banks, gimme already! Have mercy.


1st read: Oct 8-9, 2012. 5+ stars

This book is awesome, alright. The story was amazing. I enjoyed it so much I couldn't stop turning pages and stayed up late until I wasn't aware I dozed off.

Graeme and Eveline is one sweet couple. Graeme is fierce warrior but he treated Eveline with tender. He cares for her and his love to her is so strong he cares naught to the feud he has for Eveline's father. I admired his wisdom too. He never react onto things he haven't had think over and further investigation. And Eveline, she is so nice, sweet and kind. She's an angel. Very loving and caring. Besides, she's witty and very special. I, especially, loved their first meeting. It was one of beautiful moments I've ever read.

Highly recommended.

P. S. Ms. Banks, thanks for this. I thought I'd never read your highlander series anymore after the McCabes.


Valiant - Laurann Dohner 4 stars

Looks like the series gets better. A lot of action scenes which I enjoyed the most. The romance between Valiant and Tammy is sizzling hot.

The alpha, possessive behaviour that Valiant loved to show was kind of annoying at point I was thinking if I were Tammy, I would feel suffocated and trapped. Also, I'd bored to death too if I were to confine at home and do nothing but fooling around in bed with your partner for the rest of your lives. I cringed when Tammy seen it as no problem.

Anyway, not going to hurt me head thinking sane and sense about this book. It's merely for entertainment, eh? I love the writing style though. I found myself captivated with the flow of words and it felt nice or perhaps maybe OCD stuff. Looking forward for the next book.

Recommended, if you love sci-fi romance.


Outlander  - Diana Gabaldon Based on reviews, I read that there's indirect cheating and consider as adultery (the heroine's married) in this book. So nah, I'll skip.

Claws & Effect

Claws & Effect - Jessica Sims 3 stars

Ellis (were-cougar) + Lily (human turned were-cougar)

It was a quick read and it focused mostly on heroine's thoughts. Thoughts filled with petrified and traumatized at first after the previous ugly encounter. Well, if I were her, I'd be her as well. Who not, seriously.

She was fine afterwards but maintained on guard and also started to develop feelings to her captor/saviour without knowing herself. Instant attraction and love, of course since it's novella. Oh, Ellis is a nice, gentle and caring guy I want him for myself. Overall, Claws and Effect was a good read.

As to answer the author's question in From the Author about whether I want more of Midnight Liaisons? The answer is... HELL YEAH MORE PLEASE and DON'T STOP. Give me were-dragons this time, if you please Ms. Sims!

Read on your own peril.

Duke of Midnight

Duke of Midnight  - Elizabeth Hoyt 3 stars

London, England., 1740.

What changed? In case you didn't notice, I've had an on-and-off relationship with this book since its released. It was in DNF box for half of the year! However, I decided to un-DNF it and picked it and promised myself I would read and finish it no matter what and guess what, I did! *pat meself*

The main characters. Both main characters didn't give a good impression at the beginning and I happened to feel detached with both of them. Hence, the mighty reason why I decided dump it in the first place. That changed though after I forced myself to endure a few more chapters and slowly, I started to at least like them. I liked Artemis no nonsense attitude and she's being carefree. I hated Maximus back then when he made his first appearance in previous book I forgot which one but now I learnt that behind his ice exterior, he has warmth and love in him after all.

The romance. It was dull at first. I just didn't see the chemistry sparks. The process to love side so boring I had my phone (luckily not my tablet) planted on face because I fell asleep and quite a few times, much to my displeasure. That changed after they started fooling around with each other and things got sweet and sizzling afterward. Cheesy too, if I must say.

The plot. Lots of thrilling combat scenes, that I refused to complain and in fact, I enjoyed it immensely. However, I did not like the ending at all. No, it's not the romance. It's the culprit's happily never after didn't reach to my satisfaction!

Pet peeve. I have one. Diana. Who? It's Artemis. One and the same person. Maximus called her that. It's like a form of endearment like darling, sweetheart, honey etc. A term, to be exact, as it means "Diana" is associated to the goddess of the moon. To Maximus, Artemis is his goddess of the moon or simply put, his Diana. You see, during their passion, he called her that a lot, rarely her given name so I got fed up and annoyed and I ended up thinking why didn't the author just named the heroine Diana instead?

Last but not least. Am I glad I changed my mind? Yes because I enjoyed the romance although it didn't start of as nice and then the action pack and mystery are mayhap the reasons I stayed hooked. Besides, I followed and love(d) this series for so long I just can't to have one of its books being put down for good, I would feel bad for doing so and not forget to mention the curiosity would eat me alive if I didn't pick it sooner!

Anyway, too bad Duke of Midnight is my least favourite in the series so far. I hope there won't be the next and instead, hoping the series continues to strive. Dear Ms. Hoyt, can you write a prince as the next Ghost? I'd love to read a royal gone rogue, more scandalous!

Read on your own peril.


UPDATED. Aug 9, 2014.
I decided to un-abandoned this book because I'm just so CURIOUS.

DNF @ 13%. Jan 7, 2014


This is an honest review. You've been warned.

This is a shocker to me! I enjoyed previous books in the series but not this book.

1. I felt not connected with lead characters.
2. I was bored for the entire reading until I decided to stop for good.
3. The interaction between lead characters was dull, uninteresting and no chemistry sparks.

This book may not for me but I will continue with the series if there's next installment. Still love Elizabeth Hoyt to the core!

Read on your own peril.