Gah! This book is so fucking good I played my guitar after I finished it, basked in great satisfaction. I will read book 7 straight away after the joy ceases.
From the moment I got to know Charlotte/Charley/Charles Davidson @ Dutch, she's been on my radar ever since and also her hot guy, Reyes. Her friend, Cookie. Another friend, Garrett. Angel too. Rocket. Okay, I just can't list out all her friends here. Too many.
As usual, where most of mysteries solved, there are some are yet. I bet this series won't be getting end soon because it's just the beginning. Yes, regardless it's a Book 6 now. If this series happened to be your next new series to be read, I suggest you should start from Book 1 because you're not, you're going to have a serious headache. One heck of confusion if I must say.
Well to compare this with previous', nothing's huge impact in it except for the one big surprise which thankfully I was prepared for. To those reviews, glad for the heads-up! If it weren't for the wicked sense of humor, I think I might not survive the subject matter overload in the book.
One of my favourite scenes in the book is that has got something to do with they made love under the rain, in public, and on the bonnet of a muscle car. Emmm that's pure fantasy HA!
I'd love to write down all of my thoughts but I'm lazy. However, this review though is exactly what I felt about Sixth Grave on the Edge.
I tried once to read Stephen King's book The Shining and I couldn't finished it because I had a nightmare when I was about reaching the first exciting part. After I finished A Brief Guide to Stephen King (I loved spoilers!), I tried again and read Rage in The Bachman Books. Again, I stopped reading only this time it wasn't because of nightmare but the book had me confused and I found I dislike his writing style (for both of his books I read), it gives me headache. I probably miss something big in regards of Stephen King but oh wells, just not my luck I guess.
By the way, I don't mind reading gore -- the more blood and very descriptive gruesome scenes, the better. In fact, I love it. I just don't like ghosts or evil spirits in a book. I will sure get nightmare(s) for that alone and I don't want that.
DNF @ 25% - Oct. 23, 2014.
The chronicles of my thoughts in regard of this book:-
I don't think I can proceed anymore. I don't like the mindset. It's unnerving.
DNF @ 23% -- Oct. 22, 2014
I liked tattoo guys - and girls too - and the hero is in late 30s, man in his prime. Bet he's hot. However, the book has too many characters and heavy subjects and it's kind of a lot to take in. There's a hint of BDSM too and admittedly, I kind of freaked out about it. I shouldn't pick it in the first place but hey, in my defense, I didn't know and I wasn't aware there's any up until I began my reading. I'm sorry that the book and probably the series itself wasn't for me. Read on your own peril.
Long story short? I would rate this 4 stars but not many combat scenes (highly disappointed) and I decided to stay content with 3 stars then.
Nothing much happened in the book. It focused more on the romance between Garrett and Sarah. I didn't impress with how things turned up for Marcus Lattimer and Stanley Cross. In regards of Marcus, for someone who was deadly and lethal, he's easily killed. To add incredulity, by accident. Stanley Cross on the other hand, is dead too but with vague detail of how it was done. No satisfaction at all.
I was a bit wary to pick Hidden Away because Garrett has this too much love and care for his sisters-in-law, particularly for Rachel. Thank goodness the feeling was toned down in this book as his focus now has directed to Sarah. Nevertheless, I can't help but thinking that Rachel is definitely still marrying a wrong brother. Poor Ethan. I really hope for another book of Ethan and Rachel and give them true closure. Clearly there is something still haven't resolved between the couple. Sigh.
Anyway, despite of only little of suspense, I enjoyed the romance though. It was emotionally intense and I loved the heroine. She's innocent, resilient, and kind. More importantly, she didn't give me any headache. Also, I enjoyed seeing Garrett's going down, falling in love hard for Sarah.
I don’t care if you don’t have a penny to your name. I don’t care if you have a job. Those things will come. What I want is for you to be with me so we can work this out together. Together we can do anything. You don’t have to go through this alone. I’ll be with you every step of the way. That’s what love is about. - Garrett Kelly.
Can I have one of the Kelly brothers for myself? HA! I'm hoping for more actions in next books and less cheesy corny mushy love. That's the sole reason I landed with this series. I want a lot of kickassing in the midst of romance aka romantic suspense, alright. Read on your own peril.