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Reading is in progress.

Return of the Highland Laird

Return of the Highland Laird - Amy Jarecki 3.5 rounds up to 4 stars

Scotland, 1587

What happened after I finished it? I knew at bottom of the page says it's 100% of sort but still I slid my forefinger on my iPad screen, to turn the page, in case there's an epilogue or something because the story's too short and I still want more! What a bummmer, seriously.

I happened to like this book after previous book flunked. Everything's fine in Return of the Highland Laird -- the main characters, the romance, their interactions, their conversations, their banters, the plot, and the action scenes!

Too bad though it's too short because there's so many unanswered questions and things just ended like that. Honestly, I am quite disappointed. If by means this book is to be short, at least do include the epilogue so there's a closure and doesn't feel it ends abruptly.

However, on second thought, the book's a novella. Of course, it's a short story, eh? Too bad.

Read on your own peril.

*ARC provided by Patchwork Press - Cooperative via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Playing With Fire

Playing With Fire - Cynthia Eden 4.5 rounds up to 5 stars

In the nutshell.
This book is freaking pretty awesome with action pack on almost every chapter!

It was the happiest moment in my life when the day my request to have this e-ARC approved. Cynthia Eden is one of my favourite authors and Phoenix Fire is one of her series that I love(d). This time and as always for once again, I'm impressed! With Playing With Fire. In fact, it's the best book so far in the series.

The main characters. Both of them are damaged. What more could I ask for other than that? From the moment I started and then slowly I got to know about Dante and Cassie, I felt connected to them and I loved them.

The romance. It was strong chemistry sparks between Dante and Cassie. Lust, desire, love, and passion mixed together it was overwhelming. Damn sizzling and scorching hot, boner-panty alert! I suggest be prepared. You may need your lover nearby or cold shower(s) HA!

The plot. It was amazing! There's so much happenings you just cannot miss and even think to skip them. Every each of the situation is vital! The action scenes were euphoric, alright!

My favourite part. With a bit of rephrase.
A new upcoming being with a lethal combo of hot and control. Would the world be able to handle it?
Oooooh, I see a sequel. Please be a sequel and more in Phoenix Fire series. Pretty please, Ms. Eden!


*e-ARC provided by Kensington Books via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Beyond Coincidence

Beyond Coincidence - Jacquie Underdown 2.5 round-ups to 3 stars

Let's start with the very thing that intrigued me to read and managed to stay until the end of this book, it's the blurb. Beyond Coincidence is one of the unique books I've ever encountered because I've never read anything alike. You can see a ghost and it asked you for help so that it can move on in later life. Interesting, isn't it?

The romance wasn't bad. It was nice it didn't start as instant love but attraction. Admittedly, the instant attraction fast track to love started a little bit after that. The sparks was there but mild development of romance.

Sadly enough though, apart from what I mentioned above, the rest of the book didn't manage to capture my interest. I did put this book down several times. Sometimes, I was thinking to just simply put it aside and never going to continue reading it again. I managed, though. I wanted to know what happened. The inconsistency of the side stories that dimmed the excitement, had me disappointed and bored.

Read on your own peril.

e-ARC provided by Escape Publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Ugly Love

Ugly Love - Colleen Hoover If those who usually love YA/NA don't like this, let alone me - who rarely like YA/NA book. I'll skip.

Blood on My Hands

Blood on My Hands - Todd Strasser 2 stars

This is an honest and highly subjective review, proceed with caution. You have been warned.

One thing in this book that had my interest is the plot - Who/why killed the victim, the mystery and the suspense. That was why I stuck, stayed and finished it. I could've DNF this book because the rest of the story though... was shite.

Let's rant. Woot woot!

Especially the main character. Reading those flashbacks were excruciating because there, you learnt about the heroine and she was the most stupidest person I've ever read, seriously. Why I said that? She was pathetically desperate to be accepted into a group of mean, rich, popular girls. Think Mean Girls. She willed to do almost anything when 'the leader' asked or said so. One of them is she dumped her boyfriend, whom she loved the most, so she wouldn't get kicked out from the circle. Later, she regretted her decision only after she was accused of something she didn't do.

Rolled my eyes a lot. Ugh.

To young girls out there who struggling with high school or college pressure,

For the love of all that's holy and unholy, just be yourself! There's no need for you to become the low of the lowest or somebody else etc just because you want to be accepted by people. One thing you have to remember is you can't please anyone, anybody. Your happiness is your own doing. Not someone else.

When I was in high school, I didn't give rat's arse to them popular kids. Didn't even feel intimidated by their popularity and I always gave this 'back off or sorry' vibe whenever I came to school HAHA. As they left me alone, didn't mess with me, I was content back then. Managed to be myself, got happy and only stressed out about nosey teachers, homework and exams.

If you happened stuck in Mean Girls, run my dear. Just run.

Read on your own peril.

Keep Me Safe

Keep Me Safe - Maya Banks K-I-S-S-I-N-G Maya Banks. WANT THIS IMMEDIATELY!

Wish You Were Dead

Wish You Were Dead - Todd Strasser 4 stars

Wow, not bad. Definitely what I wanted and expected from Wish You Were Dead, I succeeded in scaring myself shitless! Although I didn't like the beginning of the book because it focused on heroine's crush towards a new boy in school instead of the problem but that changed as the story goes. It got creepy and I liked it.

The story is brilliant because the person who's a serial killer is the least I expected. I was freaked out every time I read from the killer's perspective. Honestly, I didn't see it coming once I learnt the truth. It was quite a shock. The deaths were devastating and heartbreaking. If I were one of the affected, direct or indirect with the event, the memory probably would haunt me forever.

Since romance is included in this book, no matter even it's bits of it - frankly, it's a disaster. In my opinion, it's not necessary. This book is still a go, with or without romance, truly.

The level of gruesome and gore is medium as the target audience is young adult. Too bad it's not adult horror/thriller. Bet it would extreme and guaranteed with nightmares.

Consider this is a YA book, I decided to just cool with the way these teens think. They're annoying, dramatic, gossips here and there, crush on boys and girls, judgmental and all that attitudes associate with teens. I was once a teen, so go figure.

Just so you know if you decided to read this book and/or any book with this kind of genre, I've got a message for you: Be suspicious because every character is suspect. Hope Book 2 is as scary as this. Or more, please.


Straddling the Line

Straddling the Line  - Jaci Burton 3 stars

It was slow progressing up until 82% of the book, then things got interesting. The main characters are likable enough. There's a chemistry between them. Hence, the romance was hot and sweet. I'm looking forward the next book in the series. I also can't help but wonder when the author's going to write a book with hero or heroine's a racing driver. Gray Preston (he's in book 6) is not enough, I want more.

Read on your own peril.

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer - Patrick Süskind 3.5 rounds up to 4 stars

This is my first classic and my first horror book. When I was in college, I heard my friends talked about the movie adaptation and they said it was gruesome and gore. They asked me to watch it but I refused because I don’t watch horror movies. My imagination is too wild and I tend to have nightmare. However, I couldn’t help from being curious back then and went to look for it, decided to read the book instead. I was a happy girl once I had my hands on Perfume: The Story of a Murderer.

The happiness didn’t last long though for I experienced quite a few mixed feelings; sick, horror, disgusted, pity, mind blowing, mind fucked etc. To be honest, I felt troubled and terrible after I finished, completely at loss of words. My state of sanity’s at ruin for a bit while, truly. Anyway, after I pondered for a while in regard of this book, I summed up then that it is a story about love. Take note it’s not about a love story. Those two are two different things. Love is supposed to be beautiful but not, in this book. It was vicious and sorrow.

I can’t but marveled at the concept of the story, though. It’s unique! It’s the sole reason why I picked and managed to stay until the end. Yes, it’s fucked up and no happy ending, mind you but then it’s brilliant. How I wish it was told from Grenouille’s perspective when he killed those twenty-four girls so I could scare myself. Definitely would rate the book solid 5 stars and be my latest favourite, if it were. Too bad it was on his perspective only for his first and last kill.

Recommended, but not for the faint hearts as one of fellow GR friends told me.

*Read my status updates for more detailed reactions, HA!*

After I Do: A Novel

After I Do: A Novel - Taylor Jenkins Reid Interesting blurb. Most said they loved it. Now I'm curious because...

Hope Ignites

Hope Ignites  - Jaci Burton 2 stars

It was a bore. Focused too much on movie scenes, sets etc I simply skimmed them. Lacked in romance development. No chemistry between Logan and Desiree. Read on your own peril.

The Survival Kit

The Survival Kit - Donna Freitas 5 stars

The Survival Kit is my best YA reads for 2014! Mixed feelings to be expected if you're decided to try this book; death, grief, sorrow, happiness, forgiveness, peace and... loads, you named it. I, for one, loved everything about this book - the main characters, minor characters, the story and the friendships. Another next best thing is there's not much of angst aside from family drama and I was cool with it. Just so you know, it's a sports romance too. What a bonus! To be honest, I kept forgetting I was reading young adult fiction because the characters are matured in thinking sense, it feels like I was reading new adult or adult fiction.

Anyway, it's a unique masterpiece and the idea of that survival kit alone is quite brilliant. Even I was thinking to make some to give to my loved ones. Reading this book makes me recall the past two years where I, too, lost an uncle to cancer and I can say I felt connected to both Rose and Will in regards of their pain of losing the loved ones. However, I cannot say the same though if the loved ones was one of the parents or both parents or siblings. To people out there who are with cancer, survived cancer, family and friends with cancer, loved ones lost to cancer -- always stay strong and FUCK cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Those who haven't read this, I suggest you should try. Like, seriously. Recommended.

Main characters: Rose (former cheerleader, lost Mom to cancer) + Will (hockey player, lost Dad to cancer)

It's Kind of a Funny Story

It's Kind of a Funny Story - Ned Vizzini 2 stars

Looks like I'm minority here. I found that I didn't enjoy It's Kind of a Funny Story and I didn't find it funny it all. I didn't like the writing style either. Despite that, I liked reading Craig's therapy sessions because it pricked my curiosity. I wanted to know what thoughts he'd reveal to the shrink because to me, mind is a mystery. It's like it's an interesting, challenging puzzle.

I picked this book because depression is nothing new and I experienced it worst back then during high school. High school's tough. And I thought reading this, thing would be expected is mixed angst and fun. Oh well, I didn't get that and more's like bland. Also, reading this for the author's tribute, RIP Ned Vizzini.

Read on your own peril.

Master of Desire

Master of Desire - Kinley MacGregor 4 stars

Setting: Reign of Henry II

In Master of Desire, we got one damaged tortured soul highlander, Draven and one chirpy hopeless romantic young lady, Emily. And it was a bittersweet love story. I exceptionally loved the ending, it reached to great satisfaction. However, I disliked Emily with her constant chasing after Draven. I don't know because to me it sounds like desperate. But then, despite of that, the characters managed to make me crackling a lot and I love a good laugh, alright!


Devil of the Highlands

Devil of the Highlands - Lynsay Sands 4 stars

Setting: Northern England, 1273

Devil of the Highlands
is a decent story. The main characters are likable. The heroine, Evelinde, is like a trouble magnet and she made me laugh a lot. I liked the way she wove her way to her husband's (Cullen) heart and their romance was sweet. The mystery part though is the reason I hooked to this book until the end. Although, I didn't impress with the ending. It was no justice, quite merciful and easy death. Go for this book if you don't mind the romance with twist of mystery and suspense.


Beauty and the Barbarian

Beauty and the Barbarian - Amy Jarecki 2 stars

To me, Beauty and the Barbarian is my least favourite in the series. Merrin's being a creep in the beginning of the book was a total killjoy. I adored people of Raasay before until they shunned Merrin just because them being superstitious. Seriously, any superstitious crap related is a bull. There's another killjoy scene I wish I never read. Hint: something between Ian and his previous lover. The romance between Ian and Merrin was rather dull. I was bored up to 60% of reading and the remaining of it was torturous. Also, I hated that Ian's dad's already dead in this book - really, I just read the man's story a few days ago. My heart breaks.

Read on your own peril.