5 Following


Reading is in progress.


UPDATES: Dec. 5, 2014

I had coming out from blackout for a while and have been reviewing in GR but only in GR. I'd love to in BookLikes but I think I'll wait until the website has its on mobile app since I do reviewing mostly through my phone (since its the only device that has mobile data for me to surf the internet).


UPDATES: Nov. 11, 2014

I fancy reading. I review to remember all those books I read and also for fun as well. After this happened, I'm taking a break from reviewing in any other website for that matter. True, it's disheartening and sad when you feel not safe anymore sharing your thoughts on books you read with others. Admittedly, I'm spooked — big time. Alas, that doesn't mean I stop reviewing entirely. I'm switching medium. I review still only this time I'll pen them in notebook instead. TOTAL BLACKOUT. Safety first and happy reading!