2 starsI’m going to be blunt here. Truth is Hot Pursuit is a torturous to finish. I was almost to DNF it but I didn’t. I needed to know what of becoming of Sarah’s fate and also, I had to know exactly how the goings of the plot. It’s the action scenes that hooked me most until the end. I was annoyed endlessly by main and most of secondary characters with their constant whining and complaining. I particularly disliked the heroine. She’s pigheaded, thick skull, and sometimes being unfair I was itch to strangle the bloody woman. Besides, the book was dragged, repetitive and to that, I found myself skimming. The action scenes, as I mentioned before, hooked me but I did not entirely impress. Trust me, how I wish it was another way around. Anyway, I’m not going to condemn the entire series. I’m going to give it a chance. This is Book 1 and it flanked to my taste but who knows I might like the others, yeah?
Read on your own peril.