This book was a lot better than the previous. The reading was easy and fun. I liked the storyline and the characters. I enjoyed the romance. Although I didn't really fancy the chase and conflict but it was good. At least, it spiced up the story.
I liked Theresa and Michael were flirting and teasing each other. They made me laughed a lot. They were so great being together I was angry with her when throughout the story, she was in denial because she was afraid of fond and intimacy. Even though she knew Michael was so tender and kind to her. If it were me, I wouldn't let go someone like Michael. As for Michael, he had this wicked temper and I squirmed whilst reading when he got pissed. He turned aggressive. Despite that, he was persistent, strong willed, and romantic.
My favourite reading part in this book is when they were dancing. Don't ask me why. I just loved it.