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The Officer Says "I Do"

The Officer Says "I Do" - Jeanette Murray 5+ stars

This book was amazing. I couldn't get enough of it and it's too bad it ends.

The Officer Says I Do is about two strangers, two very different people got themselves in a mess and the said mess is they got married. Cliches of all cliches, it happened in Vegas - they got to know each other within minutes, drunk, a lot of kisses, drunken marriage proposal and bam, husband and wife, legally.

What I loved about this book is that the story cherishes the sacred of marriage. Yes, I'm a big sucker for married couples, marriage of convenience. Tim and Skye could opt for divorce, annulment but shockingly they chose to work their marriage out. That's unique for me as I read a lot that opted the otherwise. Tim had his doubts but he was willing to try and Skye, she is a good role model. She determined to fight for her marriage. She believe, hope and trust. She'd do anything to have a happy marriage. I fall in love with her.

With Tim's very passionate, always planted kisses on Skye although he's not really know her well and Skye's being romantic, sleep with Tim's old T-shirt and cook him bacon even if she's a pseudo-vegetarian - two of them could work and I'm happy to say that they did work.

The reading is very light, easy and the story is way domestic. You will find its like the real deal daily lives. Very normal with a little bit of situation in life but that's inevitable, though.

Anyway, I really hope things work between Jeremy and Madison. Oh, that's Book 2 ;)

Highly recommended.