4 starsOh wow what an amazing adventure I had. Weeeeeeeeeeeee.
I loved previous book. It was uber thrilling.
Area 7 isn't lacking too except that I enjoyed it less, though. Perhaps it might have got something to do with less gruesome? Or maybe it's my brain's finally able to cope with some gruesome horrific scenes and got immune to it. I don't know, so on this part it's all just me.
Overall, it was nice. The play chase game it was awesome. Definitely suit for me because I am an adrenaline junkie. As usual, Schofield saves another day. I love him! One part that amuses me is that I was so used to him as a man who afraid with nothing and then, when it came to Gant, he's the opposite. I laughed because it felt silly at the same time cute and also weird.
To be frank, I'd prefer no romance in this series even small bits of it - I don't care. I know, Schofield's a human and he has feelings. He can love but... I don't know, romance in thriller book, it kills the charm. I guess it's too late because in this case, the charm's been killed and might as well I have to suck it up if I want to move on to the next book.
Like any other readers that I am agreed with,
I HATE EVERY CLIFFHANGER IN EVERY CHAPTER/SUBCHAPTER/PARAGRAPH IN THIS BOOK. Seriously damn. Every time there's a good part and suddenly, it stops and a new paragraph starts with different part -- I was like
what the f***. It made me crazy
ALL. THE. TIME. UGH.Still brilliant, though. No matter what.
Read on your own peril.