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Shine Not Burn

Shine Not Burn - Elle Casey 5 stars

I really loved reading two-drunken-strangers-doing-something-really-stupid-like-got-married-in-Las-Vegas love story. And, it's a second chance!

What I liked
It's Gavin 'Mack' MacKenzie! OMG he's just so perfect. He's nice, romantic, loving, caring, funny, and kind. The most important, he's a keeper! Besides, he's stubborn as a bull and determined to keep what's his. This guy is definitely in my list of fantasy boyfriends.

The positive side of Andie. And that is she has a sense of humor.

I liked the love story. It's heartwarming and at the same time, gut wrenching too. It made me swoon all over I couldn't help myself.

Andie's best friends Candice and Kelly are funny as hell. I liked them!

The MacKenzie clan isn't bad too.

What I disliked
Andie's negative side! She was so consumed with her lifeplan she almost walked to the life of misery. I was so angry because she was in denial about her feelings with Mack.

The writing. I was happy when I started reading the book was going to be alternative POV because it was in the beginning. However, as I went by, it switched to first person POV which is from Andie's point of view and I was so disappointed. Seriously, what a BUMMER because I'd love to know from Mack's perspective.


This book should get 4 stars from me but I changed it after I read this:

We kissed and hugged and laughed... We found a corner of a busy street and just sat on a bench and talked and talked and talked about our dreams and our pasts and our hopes.

That was exactly what happened that night in Vegas between Mack and Andie that Andie had forgotten about it in the next morning. Something about the line made me smile wide and pretty enough to make me change my mind and rate Shine Not Burn 5 stars.


I know that this book is a stand alone but to be honest, it would be amazing if Mack's brother, Ian got his own happily ever after. I felt bad for him after everything that had happened to him. He deserved happiness too. It's one wishful thought but one can hope!

Highly recommended.